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HypnoBirthing® Classes

HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique or method for birthing. It is designed to teach women to trust in Nature’s way of birth and to relax and let their bodies do what is needed. Childbirth is a normal, natural and healthy function for women. HypnoBirthing® helps mothers align with their own innate capacity to be able to give birth gently, comfortably, powerfully and joyfully. HypnoBirthing® is a simple, straightforward program designed to remind mothers of the simplicity of birth itself. The classes teach techniques for relaxation and visualization, and how to assist, rather than resist your natural birthing instincts. It is about empowered parents, welcoming their babies into the world in a ‘Celebration of Life.’

Certified Hypnobirthing Instructor – Kadie Barber of Portland HypnoBirthing Center